Multimedia Software

English TS-Doctor Video Editor FAQ

1. General

1.1 Where to get help and tips
1.2 How to get a license?
1.3 Are updates free of charge?
1.4 Where can I download older versions of TS-Doctor?

2. Installation

2.1 Error message during installation "Administrator rights required"
2.2 What means the setup options "Matroska Media Splitter" at the beginning of the installation?
2.3 Getting "Trial time is over" message. Have a license file but how can register the license file if the application is not starting?
2.4 Update or downgrade fails with an installer error message or uninstallation not possible.
2.5 Setup error: #11AAC40000911A13

3. Program start

3.1 Error messsage during application startup: "Trial time is over!"
3.2 Error messsage during application startup: "Date error!"
3.3 Error messsage during application startup: "Invalid executable!"
3.4 Error messsage during application startup: "Please close all other applications before starting TS-Doctor!"
3.5 Error messsage during application startup: "Application version too old! Download a current version!"
3.6 Is it possible to start the TS-Doctor with parameter (command line)?

4. Cutting

4.1 Error message during opening of the cutting window: "Video preview not available!"
4.2 After cutting of H264 HDTV recordings picture errors appears near the cutting areas  (artefacts)
4.3 If the option "Consider I/P-Frames for cutting" is activated for cutting of H264 HDTV recordings, the result is not very precisely
4.4 Under Windows 10 TS-Doctor hangs after some minutes in the cutting window with the error message "Cypheros TS-Doctor no longer works"
4.5 After a Windows 10 update the preview in the editing window of TS-Doctor 2.2 suddenly does not work anymore.

5. License

5.1 How long is the license file valid?
5.2 The license file is not accepted by TS-Doctor. Why?
5.3 How many times can license file be used to activate TS-Doctor?

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 The TS-Doctor application tries to connect to the internet. Why?

1.1 Where to get help and tips

Cypheros Transportstream-Forum: Empfehlung Schnittprogramm TS-Doctor
Cypheros customer support:
NetworkMediaTank (English): Check & Repair Tool for Transport Streams of DVB/HDTV Recordings (TS-Doctor)

1.2 How to get a license?

You can buy a license with PayPal, credit card or bank transfer on this page: TS-Doctor . For PayPal and credit card payments you will get your license file and appropriate notice how to register the license file by email, usually within 24 hours.

1.3 Are updates free of charge?

All updates of the respective main versions are free.
The upgrade of the main version 1.x to version 2.x is not free, but offered at a significantly discounted price. Prices please refer to the product page.  

1.4 Where can I download older versions of TS-Doctor?

A download option for older TS-Doctor versions can be found on this page: Older TS-Doctor Releases

2.1 Error message during installation "Administrator rights required"

The TS-Doctor needs administrator rights for installation. these can be obtained by clicking the right mouse button on the installer file  "TSDoctor_Eng.exe" and select in the menu that appears, the point "Execute as..." . Ther you select "Following user" and then "Administrator" or another user with administrator rights. Input the appropriate password confirm by clicking on OK.

2.2 What means the setup options "Matroska Media Splitter" at the beginning of the installation? 

For the preview and the MKV converter the TS-Doctor needs appropriate DirectShow filters. The free Haali media splitter package makes this filters available and should be installed.

2.3 Getting "Trial time is over" message. Have a license file but how can register the license file if the application is not starting?

If your trial is expired the you can register your license file by drag and drop the license file the TS-Doctor shortcut you maybe have on your desktop or you can use the Windows file manager to do that.
Another solution is to download the license installer application. Download the file, execute it and select the license file that you have stored on harddisk. The tool will just copy the license file at the appropriate place.
After that you can restart the TS-Doctor and check if it's correctly registered to your name (Menu/Help/About).

Beginning with version 1.0.28 there is a button under the text "Trial time is over" which can be used to select and register the license file.

2.4 Update or downgrade fails with an installer error message or uninstallation not possible.

Even if the TS-Doctor uses Windows' own MSI system for installation and uninstallation, problems can sometimes occur.

If possible, never delete files in the TS-Doctor installation directory yourself, but leave this to the Microsoft software installer.

If there is a problem during installation, update or downgrade to an older version or if the TS-Doctor can no longer be uninstalled correctly, you can try to uninstall one or all old versions with our TSDInstCheck tool.
TSDInstCheck-Tool for TS-Doctor version 1, TSDInstCheck-Tool for TS-Doctor version 2, TSDInstCheck-Tool for TS-Doctor version 3, TSDInstCheck-Tool for TS-Doctor version 4 (32 bit), TSDInstCheck-Tool for TS-Doctor version 4 (64 bit).

2.5 Setup error: #11AAC40000911A13

The TS-Doctor and the TS-Doctor installation file are digitally signed. This ensures that the files have not been changed and are installed as desired. A virus or other malware cannot attach itself to the files unnoticed. When the setup is started, this digital signature is checked and if the file does not match the digital signature, the TS-Doctor aborts the setup and displays this error message. Either the setup file has been corrupted or modified or the Windows file verification does not work. Try downloading the TS-Doctor again and check that your operating system is working correctly. If problems persist, the system should be checked for viruses.

3.1 Error messsage during application startup: "Trial time is over!"

The TS-Doctor can be tested for a period of 30 days. After this time, this message appears and the TS-Doctor can no longer be used. 

3.2 Error messsage during application startup: "Date error!"

This error occurs when the TS-Doctor has found a manipulation of the system time. A reset of the date to the correct date is not fixing this message. You need to remove the TS-Doctor completely and then reinstall it. To completely remove uninstall the TS-Doctor and by using regedit delete the key TSDoctor which can be found here : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cypheros\

3.3 Error messsage during application startup: "Invalid executable!"

The TS-Doctor checks himself on startup for completeness. Should have been changes detected due to transmission errors, disk errors or viruses, the TSDoctor.exe aborts the program startup. In such a case, you should first take a virus scanner to scan your system for viruses. Then you simply can reinstall the TS-Doctor and the error message should disappear.

3.4 Error messsage during application startup: "Please close all other applications before starting TS-Doctor!"

The trial version is due to the overturn of so many tools that are used to overcome the time limit of 30 days, a little sensitive in terms of other application that run parallel with the TS-Doctor. So please close appropriate tools from SysInternals or similar products, and then restart the TS-Doctor.

3.5 Error messsage during application startup: "Application version too old! Download a current version!"

The program version is too old to work as a 30-day trial version. To test TS-Doctor, you should download a newer version of the application from our website.

If you have a license file for this version, you can still use this version by registering the license file, you received when you purchased it. For version 2.2 and 3.0 it is sufficient to open the license file by double-clicking with the mouse or by dragging and dropping it on the icon of the TS-Doctor.
Alternatively the TS-Doctor can be installed as a full version by copying the license file into the same directory where the installation file is located, before installation. When starting the installation, the license file will be detected and TS-Doctor will be installed as a full version together with the license file. Please note that the program version and the license file has to match. The license file of version 2 also only works with version 2. 

3.6 Is it possible to start the TS-Doctor with parameter (command line)?

Even the ts-doctor is a graphical application, it can be also used by command line for batch processing.
For [Input Filename] wildcards can be used, too. For example *.ts oder REC000.*
If wildcards are used for [Input Filename] then [Output Filename] will interpretted as folder.

TSDoctor.exe [Input Filename] [Command] [Option] [Output Filename]
Command: AUTOFIX (starts automatically the fixing of a file)
Command: AUTOCHECK (starts automatically the checking of a file)
Command: AUTOBATCH (starts automatically the batch processing of the internal batch list)
Option: CROP=X (Crops the beginning of the file X MBytes on opening)
Option: LOG (Creates a log file)

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypheros\TSDoctor\TSDoctor.exe" "D:\recordings today\*.ts" Autofix "D:\archive\"

4.1 Error message during opening of the cutting window: "Video preview not available!"

To show a preview the TS-Doctor use the Windows DirectShow API. Many computers already have the necessary playback filters (audio/video decoder) installed to show a preview. But especially for HDTV (H264) many pcs are not equipped with a proper filter to decode the video image or the filters can not be used, because the manufacturer of the filter has blocked this. (Nero Version 8 and newer, Windows 7, etc.).
A free alternative represent the open source filter from LAV Filters (please note the legal disclaimer on the page!)

4.2 After cutting of H264 HDTV recordings picture errors appears near the cutting areas (artefacts)

Because of the structur of a H264 streams a frame-accurate editing is not possible. The TS-Doctor tries to get as near as possible to get to the wanted cutting points but has to respect the boundaries of the PES packets. Because of this, incomplete frames are created they need frames before the cutting point lying frames (reference frames) for correct decoding of the picture. To avoid such distortions the option "consider I/P frames for cutting" can be activated.

4.3 If the option "Consider I/P-Frames for cutting" is activated for cutting of H264 HDTV recordings, the result is not very precisely

For cutting in I/P frame mode the TS-Doctor analyse the type of the frames and ensures that, when Cut-In the first frame always is an i-frame (reference frame). For Cut-Out are I frames and P frames allowed as last frames without getting strong picture distortions.
Because I frames not occur as often as P frames or B frames, the final cutting point are located not exactly at the desired frame but differ by several frames especially for the Cut-In. This is different from broadcaster to broadcaster.

4.4 Under Windows 10 TS-Doctor hangs after some minutes in the cutting window with the error message "Cypheros TS-Doctor no longer works"

If an AMD/ATI graphics card is used, the error could be caused by the application PlaysTV. PlaysTV will be installed together with the Radeon drivers and is used to record the contents of the screen.
In the Windows application error event log the reference to the faulty module can be found: "Faulting module path: C:\PROGRA~2\RAPTRI~1\PlaysTV\ltc_game32-116096.dll".
The error was reported for the first time mid September 2016 and possibly linked to a Windows Update from September.
PlaysTV can be uninstalled via control panel/programs and features. The TS-Doctor should work again properly after that.

4.5 After a Windows 10 update the preview in the editing window of TS-Doctor 2.2 suddenly does not work anymore.

Since Windows 10 Update 2004 there is a compatibility issue with the TS-Doctor 2.2. The fast samplegrabbing does not work anymore. This can be deactivated under Settings/Options/Preview. The TS-Doctor should then work properly again.

The current version 3.0 does not have this problem.

5.1 How long is the license file valid?

The license file is valid for an unlimited time. If the license file is not accepted, see point 5.2

5.2 The license file is not accepted by TS-Doctor. Why?

Each license file is valid only for the respective major version. Example: License file purchased for version 2.0, then the license can also be used for version 2.1 and 2.2. However, version 3 then requires a new license file and a paid upgrade.

The file names of the respective license files should not be changed. Especially older versions like TS-Doctor 1.x and 2.x are very sensitive and do not accept license files with a different name than TSDoctor.lic

Starting with version 3 the main version number is embedded. TSDoctor3.lic for TS-Doctor 3.x and TSDoctor4.lic for TS-Doctor 4.x

5.3 How many times can license file be used to activate TS-Doctor?

There are no restrictions. Thus hardware updates are no problem. TS-Doctor can also be installed on multiple computers. However, only on your own computers and it should only be used on one computer at a time.

6.1 The TS-Doctor application tries to connect to the internet. Why?

The TS-Doctor will be updated periodically. Therefore, the program looks during program start on the server whether updates are available and what the changes and features are in the new version. If this service is not wanted, it can be disabled under Settings/General with unchecking "Checking for Updates".