Audio fade-in and fade-out

Begonnen von zeros, Oktober 31, 2012, 22:40:59

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This is my first post. I reiceny purchased license, all is working as expected.
Just one question about audio when I use cut function.

A recorded song may be gradually reduced to silence at its end (fade-out), or may gradually increase from silence at the beginning (fade-in). Fading-out can serve as a recording solution for pieces of music that contain no obvious ending.

Is it anyhow possible to add fade-in and fade-out function possibility for audio to around the cut points?
Dreambox DM920 UHD, Lunix3-4K, QboxHD, Qbox Mini, Icecrypt T2300HD, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB & 8GB / Sony KDL-46W 905A / Rega BRIO-R 600 & NAD C 320BEE / Oppo BDP-105D, RX Post Production Suite 7.


The TS-Doctor works completely with re-encoding but changing the audio volume would need audio encoders. That's not in the scope of the application (yet).


Ok, thanks!

I just report here the PVR's, that I own and their recordings can edit with Your program:
QBoxHD, QBoxHD mini, ICECRYPT T2300HD.
Thank You for the excellent software!

Dreambox DM920 UHD, Lunix3-4K, QboxHD, Qbox Mini, Icecrypt T2300HD, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB & 8GB / Sony KDL-46W 905A / Rega BRIO-R 600 & NAD C 320BEE / Oppo BDP-105D, RX Post Production Suite 7.