Cypheros Transportstream Forum

English-speaking Support => TS-Doctor 3.x => Thema gestartet von: CookieJones am Februar 26, 2022, 23:26:07

Titel: Length of output file doubles after cutting
Beitrag von: CookieJones am Februar 26, 2022, 23:26:07
Sometimes when I cut a file in TS-Doctor, the output file as viewed in Windows Explorer, shows roughly twice the Length and half the Data Rate as the input file, and some players like WMP and Windows 'Movies&TV' also show the wrong/double length. Only TS-Doctor and VLC show the correct length.  (TS-Doctor reported 0 Errors and 0 Warnings.)

If I then cut that output file in TS-Dr, the Length (and Data Rate) are again doubled (halved), and the output file usually either plays incorrectly or can't be played at all.

Any ideas on what causes this and how to fix?

(Windows 10, TS-Doctor 3)
Titel: Antw:Length of output file doubles after cutting
Beitrag von: Cypheros am Februar 27, 2022, 01:16:29
Can you send the log file of such a case, to "support(at)"?