Teletext subtitles in TSDoctor

Begonnen von flexmcmurphy, Oktober 08, 2024, 01:35:20

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Can I ask why does TSDoctor remove teletext subtitle streams by default?

I am using TSDoctor to combine multiple .ts files in to one .ts file. When I tell TSDoctor to include the original teletext subtitle stream when creating the "joined-up" .ts file I notice something strange...

The teletext subtitles stay in sync with the audio when I watch that .ts file in VLC but they are out-of-sync when I play the .ts file through my satellite decoder box (zGemmaH7S) enigma2 Enhanced Media Center. Do you happen to know why this happens?

This is not a big problem but I'm curious can the sync'ing of teletext subtitles with movie audio be "fixed"? For instance with dvb subtitles you can export them as .srt file and fix the timings in SubtitleEdit. Is it possible to do that with teletext subtitles? I guess that doesn't make sense because if it works in VLC then probably nothing is wrong with the teletext subtitle stream it must be the enigma2 player that doesn't like that stream?




Most people doesn't need the teletext or the subtitles. Under Settings/Preferences/Stream Select, you can change the default behaviour of what TS-Doctor removes by default.

TS files have separate timers for all audio, video and text streams to keep them in sync. I guess it's a problem of the enigma mediaplayer. You could try to download another mediaplayer from the feed.


Thanks Cypheros.

OK so there is no particular reason why the Teletext subtitle stream is removed by default? I thought I read somewhere in TSDoctor that there was a reason for that.
The method I described in this thread adds subtitles to a .ts file. TSDoctor then recognises those subtitles as a DVB subtitle stream. Do you know is it possible to insert subtitles in to a .ts file so TSDoctor recognises them as a teletext subtitle stream? I'm just curious. ffmpeg has a codec for teletext and dvb subtitles in .ts files so maybe it is possible to add either kind of subtitles to a .ts file and not only read them from a .ts file?

About my previous comment...
You are right of course. The problem was in the enigma2 OpenATV image. After some more googling I realize now that OpenATV offers quite a bit of configuration on subtitles.

Menu > Setup > Audio > Subtitle Settings.... in here you can introduce a delay to subtitle timings in the menus: "Subtitle delay when timing is bad" and "Subtitle delay when timing lacks". I'm not sure what is the difference between these two? From testing only changing the second one seemed to make any difference in all cases.

In my OpenATV image "Subtitle delay when timing lacks" was set to "+3.5sec" all along. It seems this is needed to make DVB subtitles play in-sync with the dialogue but I had to change that setting to "no delay" to make the teletext subtitles play in-sync with the dialogue when played through the enigma2 EMC player in OpenATV.

I had another thread in these forums about DVB subtitles being out-of-sync and how to fix them with SubtitleEdit and ffmpeg. Changing that OpenATV setting to +13.0sec fixed the dvb subtitle out-of-sync issue I described in that other thread. So that's another option to fix subtitle out-of-sync issues for those playing recordings back via an enigma2 image like OpenATV.

