Suggestion for adding a new check during MPEG analysis in TS-Doctor

Begonnen von metatech, Oktober 22, 2021, 17:25:41

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I have a DVB-C recorder (Panasonic DMR-BCT76) which sometimes drops frames during a fraction of a second.
I made a recording with a Linux-based DVB-C recorder, to analyze the raw stream.

When I launch an analysis with TS Doctor on the recording with dropped frames, the report shows several warnings and errors :
TS  WARNING: For PID 00A6 00:00:00.888 TS packet 00000591: Packet discontinuity  last=1 , current=0
TS  WARNING: For PID 0068 00:00:00.888 TS packet 0000059E: Packet discontinuity  last=2 , current=1
TS  WARNING: For PID 0069 00:00:00.888 TS packet 000005A0: Packet discontinuity  last=11 , current=10
PES ERROR  : For PID 0068 00:00:00.927 PES packet 0000001C is invalid (SizeMismatch), starting with TS packet 0000055A Size: 1098 should be 730
PES ERROR  : For PID 0069 00:00:00.927 PES packet 0000001C is invalid (SizeMismatch), starting with TS packet 0000055B Size: 1098 should be 730
ES  ERROR  : For PID 0068 00:00:01.376 AC3 packet 0000001A has AC3 Crc error
ES  ERROR  : For PID 0069 00:00:01.376 AC3 packet 0000001A has AC3 Crc error

But when I launch an analysis on the raw recording, the report shows no errors, although the PCR counter goes back in time by a several hours for about 200 frames, then comes back to the original PCR.  This problem is probably due to a bug in the MPEG encoder of my cable TV provider... it happens a few times per day, and only during advertisings...

TS Packet Viewer PCRJump_raw.m2ts
2694 0x11FD0A378
2747 0x11FD0B034
2798 0x11FD0BDA7
2832 0x1027952F3
2877 0x102796025
2956 0x102796CDF
2983 0x11FD0BD5E

I diagnosed the problem with the open source program viewTS, but it is only graphical, and less advanced and verbose than the TS Doctor report.
I suggest that you add an analysis for such a PCR jump in the past in TS Doctor.
Does this check fit with other existing checks ?

In attachment, I add 2 very short extracts of the 2 files (to fit the 1 MB forum limit).  I can send much larger extracts if you wish.

Thanks in advance,



OK, next version should show PCR discontinueties.

For PCRJump_raw.m2ts
PCR ERROR at packet 00000B10 14:54:12.678->13:23:03.031 negative PCR discontinuity -5469646ms
PCR ERROR at packet 00000BA7 13:23:03.105->14:54:12.677 PCR discontinuity 5469572ms


Zitat von: Cypheros am Oktober 23, 2021, 00:37:45
OK, next version should show PCR discontinueties.

For PCRJump_raw.m2ts
PCR ERROR at packet 00000B10 14:54:12.678->13:23:03.031 negative PCR discontinuity -5469646ms
PCR ERROR at packet 00000BA7 13:23:03.105->14:54:12.677 PCR discontinuity 5469572ms

Thanks for the lightning fast feature addition !
I hope I will benefit others who suffer from the same problem and help them pinpoint it faster than me.
In my case, I will report this problem to Panasonic, whose Blu-Ray recorders are too perfectionist (IHMO) and drop non-monotonically increasing PCR's, although other players are able to cope them. For the record, recordings from a Panasonic TV plugged into a USB HDD do not suffer from this problem...
Thanks again !
Best regards,