Invalid Timer Jump Discovered - can't fix

Begonnen von DataMeister, Dezember 02, 2017, 05:46:34

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I have a file recorded by Windows Media Center that TS-Doctor can't seem to fix. Windows and Avidemux show the proper length, but they stop playing about 10 minutes before the show ends.

When I open it in TS-Doctor I get an error saying "Invalid timer jump discovered [00:00:07.858]. Editing not possible, recording must be corrected first by TS-doctor! Create a new corrected file now?  Yes/No."

I click Yes and it saves a new file.  I reopen the file and the same problem at a different time stamp (still roughly the right length in Windows).  After a couple times running through this process the file will open in TS-Doctor without error, but the final file is missing the last 10 minutes of the show.

When watching TS-Doctor save the original file it appears to have a huge bandwidth glitch 10 minutes from the end, but the rest of the file seems to be there immediately after the glitch.  Is there any way to clean out this glitch without chopping off the end of the file?


aah, yes, this is another evil feature of the Doc that can drive you crazy  :o

But in general, its harmless.

The thing you need to know is that the doc can only can correct ONE jump per run.
So if your recording contains more or them, you need to run it over and over again until all jumps are handled.

Of course, you cannot know how many there will be (and the doc does not tell you this too  :'( ), but usually (unless your recording is really really bad), try 3 to 5 runs and finally you will be able to process the file normally afterwards.

Betablockers or Valium can help to cool you down during the waiting time  ;D


As we can clearly read from your initial text, DataMeister, you already ran through the fixing process several times until The Doc didn't report any more errors...

First step should be a close look at the log file that TS-Doctor created when checking the file for the first time. Perhaps you could run it the original file once more, if you still have it.

Depending on the real nature of the issue, you also might actually want to try to chop off the end from the file, but don't dump it, and rather save it to a different file.
If you can't actually drive The Doc into cutting out the defective part, you could leverage its tool "Raw Cutter" to save two parts: Begin and End. The next tool "File Merger" will then glue these parts into one file again. Of course, this relies on these tools being able to handle the file's contents, and you'll remain left with a certain "jump" in your video: The (defective) part that was cut out of the streams.