Current beta version 2.1.11

Begonnen von Cypheros, März 02, 2016, 23:11:12

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Update to version 2.1 is free of charge for all TS-Doctor 2.0 customers.

2.1.11  - Recreation of Enigma index files AP and SC for H.265 recordings (DVB-T2)
           - Bug while loading of .tsdcuts files fixed
           - Bug in MP2 checksum fixed (e.g. ZDF neo)

2.1.10  - Leading numbers are no longer truncated when splitting files
           - "Modal window cannot..." Fixed error message after closing the new screenshot scaling window
           - AC3 advertising recognition could not be started manually for recording with EAC3 sound
           - Fixed AC3 advertising  detection error where AC3 advertising recognition was not preferred under certain conditions
           - Fixed problems with the directory tree when USB drives were connected or removed
           - Folder refresh with "F5"

2.1.9   - Detects transstream files even if they are wrongly named as .mpg
           - Double file naming warning

2.1.8   - Configurable screenshot scaling
           - GUI improved for disabled skin
           - File name setting "Keep original file name" also retains the file name of the source file when recording has multiple shows

2.1.7   - Some cut operations have not been applied to the file splitter bar
           - Number of supported audio streams increased from 4 to 10
           - Fixed bug in MPEG1/Layer2 CRC check, which caused only the first audio stream to be validated

2.1.6   - Selection of current transponder/channel data improved
           - Update of the file splitter bar to make the feature more user-friendly

2.1.5   - A simple click on a free file area in the file splitter bar allows you to create a new file
           - Verification of file names from the file splitter bar
           - Various GUI enhancements
           - Support for MKVToolnix > = version 20.0

2.1.4   - File splitting reworked
           - GUI of the main form improved

2.1.3   - Fixed an error in the video analysis (RTL2 logo was partially not recognized)
           - File splitting improved
           - New cutting list file ".tsdcuts" in XML format

2.1.2   - H.265-Fix for LAVFilter improved
           - Problem "argument out of range" at end of analysis fixed
           - CRC check for MPEG1/Layer2 streams
           - Fixed bugs in the new file splitter bar

2.1.1   - Detection of the channel bouquet
           - Channel specific advertising recognition
           - Faster video analysis
           - Use of the Windows 10 H.265 MFC filter, if installed
           - Sporadically incorrect detection of the VPS signal fixed
           - Fix in the H.265 parser at ScalingListData in the PictureParameterSet for UHD-BluRay
           - Display of the Colorimetry and the HDR standard
           - Restart of the application on Windows 10 fixed
           - Reset of all settings improved
           - Fixed problem in the timeline with wine and crossover under MacOS/Linux
           - GUI support for Slovak language
           - Improved time line
           - If the start time of the recording is detected, the time line in the main window displays the time
           - Simplified distribution of multiple shows to different files

Link zur Beta Version