
Begonnen von Japahama, August 24, 2015, 04:34:02

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Hello everyone. I wonder if it is possible to convert .TS file generated by the Japanese program, MonsterTv HD.
Already tried all possible options players but do not think solution, because not possible and the video reproduction on any of the best known atualamente players.
It is also not possible eh reproduction without being with tunner connected to the computer using the unique softer Sknet the company.
Thank you all


Hi and welcome on the forum! :)

We need some further information to be able to help you out
First of all: which receiver are you using?
And are you able to copy the .ts files on your computer?

If so: Is the TS Doctor able to play them in the cutting window?

And it would be good to know which OS you are using.


Thank you for the contact.
Friend, Sknet hduc use receiver connected via USB, and the BCAS card. The program used to tune and MONTERTV HD. the recorded videos are played soh if the receiver is connected to the PC.
Systema XP / Win7 no problem to record or play. the files can be copied to other media and own the softer normally performs.
Q already tried everything I found on the net about .TS but nothing can play, GoPlay VLC, WMP ...... etc ... Instalalei various codec for ts and nothing.
I believe qa only way would be if someone could pick up some of my videos and try to run.
This conversation and translated by Google Translate.
Thanks for attention.


Did you try to open the file with TS-Doctor?
Does TS-Doctor shows details about the file?

Maybe you can send a short 10-20 MByte to support (@) for further analysis. TS-Doctor should work with all ts files, arround the globe. But Japan is far away and we have no samples from Japanese TV at the moment. If you can provide samples, we'll try to make it work.


Info. Friend, it seems q this site has some info that may be assistance for mr.
Please if possible, to find my impossible level solution.
Thank you always


Hi, thanks for the samples. Just checked the file Ch017-20150826-140701.ts and found this streams in the file. Most of them are marked as scrambled and even the streams not marked as scrambled are scrambled, too.

$1FFF: 0%   = NULL
$02F0: 0%   = PMT
$0100: 85%  = MPEG2 Video (PES_StreamID E0 = Video_Stream_0) [PTS]
$03F0: 0%   = PMT
$0110: 2%   = PES [PTS]
$0012: 0%   = EIT,ST
$0883: 0%   = AAC Audio (PES_StreamID C0 = Audio_Stream_0) [PTS][PESLength]
$0612: 5%   = DMS-CC(DDM)
$0613: 1%   = DMS-CC(DDM)
$0552: 0%   = DMS-CC(DDM)
$0711: 0%   =
$0881: 1%   = Scrambled (PES_StreamID E0 = Video_Stream_0) [PTS][PESLength]
$0070: 1%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0511: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 50,00%]
$0611: 3%   = DMS-CC(DDM)
$1FC8: 0%   = PMT
$01FF: 0%   = PCR [PCR]
$0551: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 39,13%]
$08FF: 0%   = PCR [PCR]
$0023: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0060: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 76,67%]
$0061: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 76,67%]
$0000: 0%   = PAT
$01F0: 0%   = PMT
$0001: 0%   = CAT
$0010: 0%   = NIT,ST
$0721: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0138: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0238: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0027: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0438: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0011: 0%   = SDT,BAT,ST
$0024: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0B38: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 100,00%]
$0130: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 75,00%]
$0887: 0%   = [SCRAMBLED 50,00%]
$0014: 0%   = TDT,TOT,ST

If I use TS Demuxer to demux the stream, many elementary streams are created but non of them are usable. They are scrambled. I guess it's pay TV or something like that.

TS-Doctor is not a Pay TV decoder tool. It only works with unscrambled files.

In Japan ISDB is used for digital TV transmissions and I guess TS-Doctor can handle that format correctly because it's similar to the European DVB standard. Found some ISDB samples and they can be opened with TS-Doctor without problems.


Dear. Here I use a USB device, (already mentioned) the shooting of the TV card and install this gadget ... (Card BSCas) the antenna is a rather simple UHF antenna, not parabolic.We not paid or subscription cable tv. For any digital TV usually tuned the same channel, and all at the same frequency.
There is no entrance to BS antenna. Just the same antenna tv and uitilizado this unit. Anyway .... I believe this and too complicated.
It is my sincere thanks for trying to help.
Good luck


I do not know if it inform, but
my device appears as follows.
Sknet HDTV-C BDA device


Can see the TV transport stream on your PC screen?
If that is true, the transport stream is unencrypted (not scrambled) and the software you use, should be able to record the transport stream unencrypted, too.

What kind of software you use to view and record the transport stream?
A good recording software should record only streams needed to view the channel. Your tool records many other streams, not belonging to the channel. Maybe your recording tool is the problem.

If you are using Windows as you operating system, you could try to use an other software like DVBViewer. This tool is very good and should work with most available BDA devices. The resulting ts files working perfect together with TS Doctor. There is a free Trial version of DVBViewer available.


Hello. lol I wrote above program (software) and MONSTERTVHD of Sknet ... The sontonizador eh usb uses the BSCAS Card, conventional common UHF antenna and all windows. execao new WIN10.
  the program and unique to the tuner model ..
No more, thank you. I think your experience not to extend to Japan at this time. If by chance one day appear solution inform you everything is possible. his willingness deserves consideration, and will share any news about it. But once. Thank you so.


Sorry, the english translation was a bit hard to understand. I thought MONTERTV HD is a TV channel.
As you can't find a softwar that can work with the recordings of your MONTERTV HD, there is a general problem with the recording. As TS-Doctor support most digital TV standards (DVB, ATSC,ISDB-Tb) I guess Japanese ISDB should be no problem, too.

Are you sure, the recording is not scrambled/encrypted?


I have 7 Terabytes recorded.
All open normal at own exclusive softer to the tuner.
The sintoinizador uses a card. (BS CAS)
Antenna and conventional UHF
I sent the email 2 video samples.
correct and fact:
no cable TV
not paid tv
Not antenna parabolica
no reception by satellite
no tv internet
simple coaxial antenna cable 80homs even used at the time of analog TV.
only works if you're in the Post CAS B placed in the tuner.
The card is available in two versions.
size of standard credit card. and also standard cell Phone, slin.
See you. Thank you

PS:If you access my pc by TEANVIEWER and open my TV show.
you heard the sound of the tuned channel, but not vera image.
when access my PC remotely from any other device or PC. I not get picture but sound normally


OK, if I understand correctly, you can view the recordings with the recording software and you have to insert a special card (BS Card) into the tuner for decoding.

What if you remove the card from the tuner? Can you still playback the recordings?

If not, the recording is encrypted/scrambled and will be decoded on the fly by your recording software.


Yes ..... no card, no reproduction.
TVs without card, also not tune channels.
I think it's as you say. Encoded.
Perhaps the card has codes to decode then? !!?

In a forum the company says:

NEED TO CONNECT ALWAYS TUNER + CARD WITH for PC TO WISH play back the recordings.

This and severe. We are obliged to stay with the tuner in the bag :-(

Thank you friend. Any news, step here to tell you.