Don't repaired bugs in ts stream

Begonnen von jirim100, März 06, 2012, 12:36:38

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Good day, please, I downloaded trial version of TS Doctor and then I load ts file with bugs (and warnings) and choose Save New file. But when I load to program repaired new ts file - this file has got still the same bugs and warning. Is it intended behavior for trial version of this program?

Jiri M.


The trial version is fully functional. The reason for that behavior is, that the TS-Doctor can't fix some problems. If you have lost data packets, you can't do anything about it. There is no way to bring them back. So the erros still persists after fixing. But the TS-Doctor is fixing the essential structure of the file, so can playback the file and the problems are minimized. If you want, you can cut out the problem areas. The TS-Doctor will show you where.


And, is it possible to, for example, interpolate missing or broken packets from previous and next correct packets? Or put correct previous packet to place broken packet?


Hi, it would work for audio but not for video. It's far too complicated to do so. It's easier to fix problems with the receiving of signal than to fix it afterwards. If you have a perfekt receiving chain, you should get a perfekt recording without errors.
If you try to reconstrukt a picture with artifactial data then you will have artifacts in you image.