mkvtoolnix - neue Version

Begonnen von ErichV, November 30, 2011, 12:16:57

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Danke für die Info, Basic.Master.  ;)
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 8.8.0 (32-bit)
Version 8.8.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after XYZ" enhancement: added a button for executing the program right now as a test run. See #1570.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after XYZ" enhancement: an error message is shown if the program couldn't be executed. See #1570.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after XYZ" enhancement: any leading spaces in the executable path are removed in order to make copying & pasting less error-prone.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after XYZ" bug fix: the paths used in the variables and the executable are converted to the platforms native path separators. This fixes compatibility with Windows applications that don't support the use of forward slashes in path names like e.g. VLC. See #1570.
  • mkvpropedit: enhancement: mkvpropedit will accept terminology variants of ISO 639-2 language codes and convert them to the bibliographic variants automatically. Implements #1565.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: enhancement: the GUI's default font's size is now scaled with the screen's DPI and is at least 9 points high (up from 8 ). Additionally on Windows "Segoe UI", which is Windows' default user interface font, is used instead of the default provided by Qt, "MS Shell Dlg 2".
  • MKVToolNix GUI: enhancement: the user can select the font family and size for the GUI in the preferences.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed TrueHD detection both as raw streams as well as inside other contains if the stream does not start with a TrueHD sync frame.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: new merge tool feature: added a layout for the track properties where they're on the right of the files/tracks lists in two fixed columns. Implements #1526.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed a mis-detection of an MPEG-2 video elementary stream as a TrueHD file which then caused a segmentation fault. Fixes #1559.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: Matroska attachments with the same name, size and MIME type were not output during file identification.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: added a column to the "attachments" tab containing the file size.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: enhancement: pressing the insert key when the focus is on the merge tool's source files or attachments list, on the chapter editor's chapter list or on the header editor's list will invoke the corresponding action for adding elements to that list.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: when using one of the "select all tracks (of type...)" actions the "properties" column didn't show the selection.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: new feature: implemented adding, changing and removing attachments in existing Matroska files as part of the header editor. Implements #1533.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 8.9.0 (32-bit)
Version 8.9.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • MKVToolNix GUI: the default font size adjustment has been deactivated for the time being as it causes problems on high DPI displays. See #1602.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: bug fix: ampersands (&) in file names were shown as keyboard shortcuts in tab titles in various tools (merge tool, chapter and header editors, job output tool). Fixes #1603.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: header editor enhancement: when the user drags & drops files on an open header editor tab the GUI will ask the user what to do with them: either open the files as new header editor tabs or add the files as new attachments to the current tab. The action can also be set as the default. Implements #1585.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter & header editor enhancement: Matroska files are initially opened in read-only mode and only later re-opened in read/write mode in order to enable reading from write-protected files. Part of the implementation of #1594.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter & header enhancement: the error messages shown when a Matroska file could not be parsed have been improved to include the most likely reasons. Part of the implementation of #1594.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor enhancement: added a menu entry for removing chapters from an existing Matroska file. Inspired by #1593.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor enhancement: it is now possible to save chapters to Matroska files after having removed all entries (editions and chapter atoms). This effectively removes the chapters from the file. Implements #1593.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: job queue enhancement: added keyboard shortcuts for removing all completed jobs and for removing successfully completed jobs. Implements #1599.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: added icons to the context menu actions in the "attachments" sub-tab. Implements #1596.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: made the context menu entries in the "attachments" sub-tab clearer. Implements #1597.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed the handling of AVIs with a negative video height (which signals that the rows are arranged top-to-bottom).
  • MKVToolNix GUI: job queue bug fix: fixed an invalid memory access in the "edit in corresponding tool and remove from queue" functionality.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: re-write, merge tool bug fix: the file identification is now based on mkvmerge's JSON output instead of its verbose output. This also fixes the merge tool not showing names of attachments inside Matroska files properly if those names contain spaces (#1583).
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: the "mux this" combo box was disabled if a single attachment was selected.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: removed spurious output generated during file identification in the HEVC detection code (e.g. "Error No Error").
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed the output of the "playlist_file" and "other_file" properties of the "container" entity in the JSON identification format from a single string to an array of strings. The format version has been bumped to 3 due to this change.
  • docs: added a Polish translation of the man pages by Daniel Kluz (see AUTHORS).
  • MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after XYZ" enhancement: configurations can now be deactivated without having to change them. Implements #1581.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed parsing of AAC in MP4 with a program config element with an empty comment field at the end of the GA specific config. Fixes #1578.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: when reading Matroska files created by HandBrake that contain chapters the existing edition UIDs and chapter UIDs are removed and random ones created. This is necessary as HandBrake assigns sequential numbers starting at 1 for each file. Therefore there are two chapter entries with the UID 1, two with the UID 2 etc. and those should, strictly speaking, be treated as if they were a single chapter whereas the user expects those entries to stay separate entries. Implements an improvement for issues such as #1561.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: the GUI no longer requires at least one source file to be present before muxing can start in order to allow creation of track-less files. Fixes #1576.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: enhancement: the "escape for Windows' cmd.exe" mechanism will only escape arguments that actually need escaping in order to produce easier to read command lines.
  • mkvmerge: QuickTime/MP4 reader: fix a division by zero in the index generation for certain old audio codecs that have certain header fields (bytes_per_frame, samples_per_packet) set to 0.
  • mkvinfo: bug fix: global elements (EBML void and CRC-32 elements) are now handled correctly if they're located inside the segment info or the chapter translate parents.

1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 9.0.0 (32-bit)
Version 9.0.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • build system: implemented support for explicit pre-compiled headers for Linux and Mac OS.
  • Installer: fixed support for silent installation and uninstallation.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed two more issues in the conversion of teletext subtitles to SRT subtitles:

    • Packets belonging to pages that don't contain subtitles were used as valid end points for subtitles causing entries to become very short (e.g. 40ms).
    • Sometimes the timestamps of wrong packets were used as entry's start and end points causing start timestamps and durations that were slightly off.
    Second part of the fix for #1623.
  • mkvmerge: MP4/QuickTime reader: audio tracks with the FourCC 'lpcm' are muxed as A_PCM/INT/LIT instead of A_QUICKTIME.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: MP4/QuickTime reader: audio tracks can contain two instances of certain header fields (channel count, bits/sample & channel, sample rate) in the STSD atom: one instance in the version 0 header and one in the version 2 header parts. So far mkvmerge has used those from the version 0 header only and ignored the ones from the version 2 header.
  • This has been changed to match the behavior of other players and MP4 readers like ffmpeg. If the STSD atom contains a version 2 structure then the fields from it will be used. Otherwise the fields from the version 0 part will be used. Fixes #1633.
  • all: new feature: added a new translation of both the programs and the man pages to Korean by Potato (see AUTHORS).
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor enhancement: added a button next to the 'segment UID' controls that enable the user to select a Matroska file. The GUI reads that file's segment UID and enters its value into the input field.
  • build system: added an option to configure »--without-qt-pkg-config«. Normally configure uses pkg-config for detecting Qt and setting QT_CFLAGS and QT_LIBS. With this option configure won't use pkg-config and rely on the user having set both variables before running configure. This enables using Qt on systems where no pkg-config files are generated (e.g. Qt 5.6.0 on MacOS with frameworks enabled).
  • mkvinfo: change: on Windows and Mac OS mkvinfo will now launch the GUI by default unless the option »--no-gui« (or »-G«) has been given. This is due to the fact that on both OS users often use portable versions respectively disk images and launch the executable directly and not via start menu entries. In those situations adding command line options for launching the GUI is unnecessarily difficult.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed two issues in the conversion of teletext subtitles to SRT subtitles:

    • Consecutive teletext packets with the same content are now merged into a single entry instead of resulting in multiple entries.
    • The calculation of a packet's duration was wrong in certain situations.
    Part of the fix for #1623.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool (playlist selection dialog) enhancement: the playlist items are sorted by their position within the playlist by default.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool (playlist selection dialog) enhancement: double-clicking on a playlist will select and add that playlist.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: added the number of bits per sample to the verbose/JSON identification output for FLAC files.
  • mkvextract: bug fix: fixed the duplication of VPS, SPS, PPS and SEI NALUs when extracting h.265/HEVC tracks. See #1076 and #1621.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: reverted the patch by Vladimír Pilný that made the h.265/HEVC not store SEI NALUs with the frames during muxing. It was supposed to prevent having the SEI NALUs present twice when extracting HEVC due to some SEI information also being stored in the codec private data, but it dropped a lot of other SEI NALUs irrevocably. Fixes #1621.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: the --sub-charset option is now ignored for text subtitle files that start with a byte-order mark (BOM) bringing the behavior in line with the documentation. Fixes #1620.
  • mkvextract: new feature: implemented the extraction of Big Endian PCM (codec ID A_PCM/INT/BIG) to WAV files. The content will be byte-swapped into Little Endian PCM in the process.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: Big Endian PCM tracks will now be byte-swapped into Little Endian PCM, and the codec ID A_PCM/INT/LIT will be used. This was done due to a lot of players not supporting Big Endian PCM inside Matroska.
  • mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI: new feature: added switches (»--generate-chapters« and »--generate-chapter-name-template«) and their corresponding UI items for generating chapters while muxing. Two modes are currently supported: »when-appending« which creates one chapter at the beginning and an additional one each time a file is appended and »interval:...« which generates chapters in fixed intervals.
  • Implements mkvmerge's and the GUI's part of #1586.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: job queue enhancement: completed jobs will now be removed from the queue automatically on exit if the job has been added more than 14 days ago in order not to let the queue grow arbitrarily large. This feature can be turned off and the number of days can be adjusted in the preferences.
  • mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's header editor: bug fix: fixed the handling of files where the last level 1 element has an unknown size. The programs will now either fix this element to have a known size or abort the process with an appropriate error message but without modifying the file. Fixes #1601.
  • mkvextract: enhancement: when extracting chapters in the simple format the user can use the new option »--simple-language ...« for selecting the chapter names that are output. Normally the first chapter name found in each atom is used. With this option mkvextract looks for a chapter name whose language matches the specified one.
  • Implements the feature enhancement part of #1610.
  • mkvextract: several issues regarding the extraction of chapters in the simple format have been fixed: if multiple names with different languages were present then an entry had been written for each name; the total number of entries written was wrong; the wrong entries were written.
  • The new code only writes the first name found from the top-most chapter atoms of all editions. Chapters flagged as hidden or as not enabled are not extracted at all.
  • Fixes the bug part of #1610.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: new chapter editor feature: added an option to multiply all chapter timecodes by a factor to the "additional modifications" dialog. Implements #1609.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 9.0.1 (32-bit)
Version 9.0.1 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • mkvmerge: bug fix: regression in v9.0.0: the text subtitle packetizer was wrongfully assuming an encoding of UTF-8 if none was given instead of assuming the system's encoding. Fixes #1639.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: if too many chapters had been generated with --generate-chapters then mkvmerge created a bogus entry in the meta seek element and did not actually write the chapters to the file.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: the DTS packetizer was setting the number of channels wrong sometimes when reducing to the DTS core. It was using the number of channels including the extensions instead of the channels of the core only.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 9.1.0 (32-bit)
Version 9.1.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • mkvmerge: MPEG TS/teletext enhancement: included the teletext page number in the JSON/verbose identification output as track property "teletext_page".
  • mkvmerge: MPEG TS bug fix: the "text_subtitles" property of the JSON/verbose identification modes was always set to true for all subtitle tracks, even for those that aren't text subtitles (VobSub, PG).
  • mkvmerge: MPEG TS/teletext enhancement: if a teletext track contains multiple teletext pages then mkvmerge will now recognize all of those pages as separate tracks to merge instead of only merging the first page. See #1662.
  • mkvmerge: MPEG TS/teletext enhancement: mkvmerge will now ignore obviously bogus PTS values for teletext tracks and use PTS from earlier audio or video packets instead. See #1662.
  • mkvmerge: MPEG TS/teletext bug fix: the language code signaled in the MPEG TS PMT is taken into account when selecting the character encoding to use during decoding of the teletext subtitles, not just the "national character set" stored in the teletext page headers. For example, a German teletext page may signal "national character set" 0 (English) whereas it's actually 4 (German). See #1662.
  • mkvmerge: teletext decoding bug fix: fixed dropping of certain non-ASCII characters in rare circumstances due to wrong filtering of already UTF-8 encoded strings.
  • mkvmerge: MPEG TS reader enhancement: teletext tracks of type 5 (hearing impaired) are recognized as subtitles, too. Implements #1662.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: characters that aren't valid in path names are automatically removed from the output file name. Implements #1647.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: bug fix (Windows only): the GUI didn't start if the USERNAME environment variable contained characters that aren't allowed in file names (e.g. : or ?).
  • mkvmerge: AVI reader bug fix: fixed reading files where the file ends in the middle of an audio chunk. Fixes #1657.
  • mkvextract: new feature: added support for extracting WebVTT subtitles. Implements the extraction part of #1592.
  • mkvmerge: new feature: added support for reading WebVTT subtitles from WebVTT and Matroska files. Implements the merge part of #1592.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: when reading Matroska files not created by mkvmerge that contain chapters the existing edition UIDs and chapter UIDs are removed and random ones created. This is necessary as not only HandBrake but other tools assign sequential numbers starting at 1 for each file. Therefore there are two chapter entries with the UID 1, two with the UID 2 etc. and those should, strictly speaking, be treated as if they were a single chapter whereas the user expects those entries to stay separate entries.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: new feature: added an option in the preferences ("Merge" → "Output") for controlling whether or not the GUI clears the "output file name" input upon removal of the last file.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: new feature: added an option in the preferences ("Merge" → "Default values") for controlling whether or not the GUI clears the "file title" input upon removal of the last file.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge will no longer abort reading a Matroska file with a structural error right before the first cluster. Fixes #1654.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: added the muxing date in both local time zone and UTC to verbose/JSON identification outputs (keys "date_local" and "date_utc", formatted after ISO 8601) when identifying Matroska files.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: added the minimum timestamp for each track in verbose/JSON identification outputs (key "minimum_timestamp") when identifying Matroska files. At most the first ten seconds are probed; if no block is found for a track within that range then the key is not output for the track.
  • Also added "muxing_application" and "writing_application" to the "container" section of the output. Currently those are only set for Matroska files.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool change: attachments from source files have been moved from the "Tracks, chapters, tags and attachments" list on the "sources" tab to a new list on the "attachments" tab. That way all existing attachments and all the ones to newly add will be shown in a single tab. This makes it easier to decide which attachments will have to be added and which can be removed.
  • MKVToolNix: merge tool bug fix: when adding playlists the GUI won't ask the user whether or not to scan if there's only a single playlist in that directory.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: AVC/h.264: fixed handling of interlaced frames with bottom field first.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: bug fix: fixed huge memory consumption (e.g. allocation of 2 GB for a JSON file of 650 KB) in the JSON library by updating said JSON library. Fixes #1631.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 9.2.0 (32-bit)
Version 9.2.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: the action "select all attached files" in the popup menu actions for the attached files view has been split up into "enable all attached files" and "disable all attached files". Implements #1698.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: bug fix on Windows: removing the drive letter does not cause the colon to be removed automatically anymore. Fixes #1692.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: it's no longer possible to select "1" as the maximum number of files to split into as mkvmerge doesn't accept that value. Fixes #1695.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: the "interval" chapter generation mode was always creating one chapter too many.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: if a certain number of chapters had been generated with --generate-chapters then mkvmerge wasn't replacing the void placerholder with the actual chapters. Fixes #1693.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: the track column "default track in output" wasn't taking into account if the track had its "default track" flag set to "no" in the source file. This would result in the column showing "yes" in certain situations even though mkvmerge would assign "no".
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed detection of (E-)AC-3 in MPEG TS files with unusual stream types (e.g. 0x87) but with (E-)AC-3 PMT descriptors. Fixes #1684.
  • mkvmerge, mkvextract: bug fix: fixed handling of Big Endian PCM with a bit depth other than 16, 32 or 64 bits/sample. Other formats were using the Little Endian codec ID, but their content was actually not byte-swapped to match it. Now those other bit depths are byte-swapped to Little Endian, too. Fixes #1683.
  • mkvinfo: the change to start the GUI by default on Windows and Mac OS has been reverted. Instead a separate executable (mkvinfo-gui) will be included for those platforms which starts the GUI by default. The newly introduced option "--no-gui" will remain valid but won't have any effect when used with mkvinfo.
  • mkvinfo GUI: enhancement: the window title now includes the file name. Implements #1679.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: the "bit depth" track header field will be set for DTS tracks from the first DTS core header. Implements #1680.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: the time zone portion of the "date_local" member of the JSON and verbose identification formats contained the time zone's name instead of its offset on Windows due to the Visual C++ runtime's std::strftime not being C++11 compliant.
  • Additionally this resulted in errors about invalid UTF-8 strings for locales where the time zone's name contained non-ASCII characters.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Einsatz verpasst ?
Ösis ausgestorben ?
ÖXIT ???

Neue Versionen und keine Ankündigung....  :-*


Zitat von: Mam am Juli 14, 2016, 14:01:59
Einsatz verpasst ?
Ösis ausgestorben ?
ÖXIT ???

Neue Versionen und keine Ankündigung....  :-*

Das kommt davon, wenn man zu viel um die Ohren hat und vor dem Schlafengehen seine Hausaufgaben nicht erfüllt (wohlgemerkt: zu diesem Zeitpunkt war nur die Version 9.3.0 heraußen ... da hatte meiner einer wohl einen sechsten Sinn für die nachfolgende 9.3.1 und wollte sich dabei Arbeit sparen ;D)
Zum Leidwesen/Freude aller (wie man es eben sehen will) gibt es uns noch und ein ÖXIT kommt schon gar nicht in Frage (das will nicht einmal die FPÖ so wirklich)!

Version 9.3.1 (32-bit)
Version 9.3.1 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog von Version 9.3.0 auf Version 9.3.1

  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: the GUI v9.3.0 was often creating an invalid syntax for the --probe-range-percentage parameter for mkvmerge due to uninitialized memory. Fixes #1741.

Zitat von: Changelog von Version 9.2.0 auf Version 9.3.0

  • build system: libEBML v1.3.4 and libMatroska v1.4.5 are now required due to several new elements having been specified for Matroska, and mkvmerge uses those elements.
  • mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI: new chapter generation feature: two new placeholders have been introduced when generating chapters for appended files, <FILE_NAME> and <FILE_NAME_WITH_EXT>. The former will be replaced by the appended file's name without its extension; the latter with its extension. Implements #1737.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: when opening a saved configuration (via the menu as well as via drag & drop) the current tab will be replaced if it is empty ( = in the same state it is in right after creating new mux settings). Implements #1738.
  • mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI: added an option for specifying how much of a MPEG PS or TS file is probed for tracks (--probe-range-percentage). Implements #1734.
  • mkvmerge: MPEG TS: considerable parts of the module have been rewritten. Due to its convoluted structure didn't buffer PES packets properly before trying to parse the PES header leading to invalid memory accesses in certain cases.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed overly long file type detection in some cases when text subtitle type probing read a lot of data due to there being no carriage returns near the start of the file.
  • mkvmerge, mkvextract, MKVToolNix GUI: bug fix: several fixes to the handling of country codes. The list has been updated to reflect the currently valid top level domain country codes. Deprecated codes such as "gb" for "Great Britain" are now mapped to their updated values ("uk" for "United Kingdom" in this case). Fixes #1731.
  • mkvmerge: WavPack4 bug fix: relaxed the stream detection criteria to only require the major version to be 4 and not to check the minor version. Fixes #1720.
  • mkvmerge, mkvinfo: new feature: added flags to support the Colour elements in the video tracks of Matroska containers. Users can use those flags to specify the colour space, transfer function, chromaticity coordinates etc. These properties are useful for correct colour reproduction of high dynamic range / wide colour gamut videos.
  • configure: fixed the Qt detection with Qt 5.7.0 which now requires the compiler to be in C++11 mode.
  • build system: libEBML v1.3.4 and libMatroska v1.4.5 are now required due to the usage of new elements introduced in libMatroska v1.4.5. The copies included in the MKVToolNix source code have been updated to those releases as well.
  • mkvmerge: MP4 bug fix wrt. DTS handling: mkvmerge will re-derive parameters such as number of channels and sampling frequency from the DTS bitstream circumventing invalid values in the track headers (e.g. a channel count of 0). Fixes #1727/1728.
  • mkvmerge: TrueHD bug fix: fixed detection of 96 kHz sampling frequency.
  • mkvinfo's GUI: fix a crash due to wrong usage of referenced temporary objects. Fixes #1725.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: the default track languages to set can now also be set whenever the language in the source file is 'undefined' ('und'). This is now the default and can be changed back to the old behavior (only set if the source file doesn't contain a language attribute) in the preferences. Implements #1697.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: menus have been added to both the "start muxing" and the "add to job queue" buttons. The menus let the user override the preferences regarding clearing merge settings after starting to mux and after adding a job to the queue respectively. Implements #1696.
  • mkvmerge: the warning about not being able to determine whether a raw AAC file contains HE-AAC/AAC+/SBR has been removed. Implements #1701.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: enhancement: all file names are now displayed with their native path separators (e.g. "C:\some\where\output.mkv" on Windows). Implements #1298, #1456.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: the GUI now takes into account whether splitting is activated when looking for and warning due to existing destination files. Fixes #1694.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: the parser for the --default-duration argument was wrongfully handling arguments of the form "123/456i" (only this specific syntax and only with "i" as the unit; other formats and units were fine). This is part of #1673.
  • Additionally the parser doesn't use the "double" data type internally anymore fixing loss of precision and failing test cases on certain 32bit platforms. This fixes #1705.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


ACHTUNG!: der Mirror von MKVToolnix wurde gehackt!  :-X :o

am besten ladet ihr die Software aktuell nicht runter oder nutzt Virustotal um den Download vor dem Ausführen zu checken. (Deutscher Artikel)

Download bei dem es primär auffiel war wohl die Classic Shell, weil direkt der MBR überschrieben wurde ???

am besten seit ihr in nächster Zeit vorsichtig in Bezug auf fosshub

ErichV hat hier zum Glück immer direkt auf den Direktdownload verlinkt
der wird aber afaik nicht auf der offiziellen Website angeboten

aufmerksam geworden bin ich dadurch übrigens erst durch:
Moritz Bunkus informiert leider noch nicht darüber auf der Website von MKVToolnix


Version 9.4.0 (32-bit)
Version 9.4.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • mkvpropedit: bug fix: mkvpropedit will no longer say that it's writing the changes if only attachment changes are specified and none of the specified attachments can be found.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor bug fix: overly long chapter names don't cause the GUI's window to become overly wide anymore. Fixes #1760.
  • mkvmerge: DTS bug fix: if present mkvmerge will use an XLL extension's sample rate information as the sample rate to put into the track headers. Fixes #1762.
  • mkvmerge: new feature: added support for reading Apple ProRes video from MOV/MP4 files. Patch by Chao Chen (see AUTHORS).
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: when appending files mkvmerge wasn't starting clusters on video key frame anymore for the first and all following appended files. Fixes #1757.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: when adding attachments the GUI will check if there are attachments or attached files with the same name as the file to add. If so the GUI will tell the user and ask for confirmation.
  • mkvmerge: enhancement: mkvmerge now accepts file names in square brackets for appending files, e.g. "mvkmerge -o out.mkv [ in1.avi in2.avi in3.avi ]" instead of "mkvmerge -o out.mkv in1.avi + in2.avi + in3.avi".
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: VP8 in Ogg: fixed dropping the first frame and the timestamp calculation. Fixes #1754.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge does no longer emit a warning if no comment header packet is found when reading tracks from Ogg/OGM files. See #1754.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: the "select a play list to add" dialog does now contain a column with the number of chapters for each play list found.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: job queue enhancement: dragging & dropping a valid .mtxcfg file (either a full job file or one containing only merge settings without the job properties) onto the job queue window will import the dropped .mtxcfg job into the job queue. Rest of the implementation of #1714.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: dragging & dropping a job queue .mtxcfg file onto the merge tool or using one as a command line parameter to the mkvtoolnix-gui executable will import the .mtxcfg job into the job queue. Part of the implementation of #1714.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: the automatic adjustments to the output file name based on the track types selected for muxing and the mechanism for keeping output file names unique had been broken since release v9.3.0. Fixes #1743.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: toggling the WebM mode check box will update the output file name's extension automatically.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 9.4.2 (32-bit)
Version 9.4.2 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog von Version 9.4.1 auf Version 9.4.2

  • mkvmerge: bug fix: AVC & HEVC readers: release v9.4.1 contains a change to both readers so that they will refuse to handle files where the detected pixel width or height is equal to or less than 0. This check was wrong in certain cases causing mkvmerge to reject a file as an unsupported file type. This has been fixed while keeping the constraints on width & height having to be positive.

Zitat von: Changelog von Version 9.4.0 auf Version 9.4.1
  • Note: most of the bugs fixed on 2016-09-06 and 2016-09-07 for issue #1780 are potentially exploitable. The scenario is arbitrary code execution with specially-crafted files. Updating is highly recommended.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: AVC & HEVC readers: the readers will now refuse to handle files where the detected pixel width or height is equal to or less than 0. Before this fix the muxing process aborted with an assertion inside libMatroska. Fixes the last test case of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: HEVC parser: fixed another invalid memory access (beyond the end of allocated space). Fixes two test cases of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: HEVC parser: fixed another invalid memory access (beyond the end of a fixed-size array). Fixes several test cases of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: MP4 reader: an error message will be printed instead of an uncaught exception when an invalid atom chunk size is encountered during resync. Fixes a test case of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: AAC reader: fixed mkvmerge throwing an uncaught exception due to the sample rate being 0. Fixes a test case of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: MP4 reader: fixed an invalid memory access (beyond the end of allocated space). Fixes several test cases of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: HEVC parser: fixed an invalid memory access (beyond the end of allocated space). Fixes several test cases of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed an invalid memory access (use after free) during global destruction phase. Fixes several test cases of #1780.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: using very large --sync values (several minutes) with certain container formats was causing mkvmerge to abort muxing. Fixes #1774.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 9.5.0 (32-bit)
Version 9.5.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • mkvmerge, mkvextract: VobSub handling bug fix: mkvmerge and mkvextract will now update the duration stored in the SPU bitsream with the duration from the container level if it differs at least 1ms. Fixes #1771.
  • mkvmerge: h.264 elementary stream handling bug fix: if mkvmerge ever encounters changing SPS or PPS NALUs (ones where their ID has been encountered before with different settings) in the h.264 then it will prepend all following key frames with all currently active SPS and PPS NALUs. This enables playback from arbitrary key frames even if they require other SPS or PPS settings than the ones stored in the AVCC in CodecPrivate. Fixes #1711.
  • mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI: added support for the "field order" video track header element.
  • mkvinfo: added support for the "field order" video track header element. Patch by James Almer (see AUTHORS).
  • mkvmerge: MPEG transport stream reader bug fix: fixed the handling of Blu-ray PCM audio with an odd number of channels by removing their alignment bytes.
  • mkvmerge: MPEG transport stream reader bug fix: fixed mis-detection of certain h.264 files as MPEG transport streams.
  • mkvmerge: WAV reader bug fix: the track properties (channels, sample rate) for DTS and AC-3 in WAV will now be derived from the decoded bitstream headers instead of the WAV file header as the latter is often incorrect.
  • mkvmerge: WAV reader bug fix: fixed detection and merging of DTS in WAV that uses the 14-bytes-in-16-bytes packing method.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: added menu entries that execute the "close", "save settings", "start muxing" or "add to job queue" action for all currently open tabs.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement: when dragging & dropping directories the GUI will process all files within those directories recursively instead.
  • mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's header editor: added options to modify the "muxing application" and "writing application" elements in the "segment information" container. Implements #1788.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: The Ogg/OGM reader did not recognize Opus files with comment headers anymore. This was broken by the fix to not require Ogg/OGM files to have comment headers in v9.4.0.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


Version 9.6.0 (32-bit)
Version 9.6.0 (64-bit)

Zitat von: Changelog

  • mkvmerge & mkvextract: added support for HDMV TextST subtitles.
  • mkvextract: VobSub bug fix: mkvextract will add a "langidx" line to the .idx file upon extraction. Fixes #1810.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer enhancement: added a column "source file's directory" to the track list. Implements #1809.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer enhancement: added an option for selecting all tracks of the currently selected source files in the source file context menu. Inspired by #1809.
  • MKVToolNix GUI: job output tool bug fix: the button for acknowledging warnings & errors wasn't properly disabled when the user used outside methods of acknowledging them (e.g. via the menu or via the job queue). Fixes #1802.
  • mkvmerge: MPLS parser bug fix: fixed reading the "in" & "out" timestamps for "play items". This bug resulted in mkvmerge not reading the correct range from the referenced M2TS file under certain rare circumstances.
  • mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge was entering endless loops under certain conditions when appending files. This was a regression introduced with the fix to #1774 (using very large --sync values causing mkvmerge to abort).
  • MKVToolNix GUI: new feature: added options in the preferences to only show the list of often used languages/country codes/character sets in their respective selections instead of both the often used and the full list. Implements #1796.
1 x Humax ESD-160S, 1x TechniSat TechniBox S4, 2x TechniSat Skystar USB 2 HD CI, Nvidia Shield TV Media Streaming Player, TS Doctor 4.1.1, DVBViewer Pro mit DVBViewer Media Server


weis einer, welche Version die letzte war mit dem alten GUI, der müsste doch bei den neuen mitlerweilen nicht mehr dabei sein...